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Please donate what you can to help us fight for your freedom! As we all now know freedom is not free, help us fight for your freedom today!

Protecting Civil Liberties for All Americans
"If you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything"

What's on the Inside?

  • A list of businesses that share your values

  • Media that reports facts and not propaganda

  • Board of Elections and election fraud

  • Raising money for powerful tools and awareness fighting censorship and propaganda

  • Democrat run cities vs. Republican run cities

  • Politicians Promises made/Promises kept ratio

  • The largest sources of propaganda disguised as fact checking

  • Political projection techniques used to confuse the uninformed

  • What institutional Democrats and Republicans have in common?

  • Books you need to read that will open your eyes

  • undefined

    Communicate with your representatives in real time

    Accurate polling data of topics that really matter to you, and reported by you.

    Understand legislation quickly for stealth reactions

    Civil liberty attorneys ready to serve you if your rights have been violated

    New types of tools that will give you more leverage

    Support from other passionate members

    Time is Ticking

    "Actions Speak Louder Than Words, Words No Longer Carry Weight"

    We have reached a moment in time where we all must come together because there is no other choice, and your elected officials will only listen if we speak as one. We are creating accountability tools that will put citizens in the drivers seat and force their representatives to take them very seriously, because, we're done with the games! Crisis are intentionally being created to destabilize our nation through what appears to be a collective dereliction of duties and many other factors. That being said, it is also a time of new opportunities of an economy for us and by us, supporting companies that hate what we stand for is not an option. Remember that the people have the power to change things when they all come together as one. Narratives are being manufactured disguised as virtue as a means to an end for very powerful agendas that we all must understand. However, they are anything but virtuous, they are dark and perpetrating behind closed doors and unbeknownst to the people to illicit fear and divisiveness for control purposes. Do not tolerate authoritarianism in what ever form it decides to take, even when the word safety and security are used as scare tactics. Be informed and do not fall prey to being a low information voter.

    Make decisions that effect your life quickly

    Important daily News that isn't suppressed

    Video content that you need to see that is Censored

    What is it?

    The content we offer will inform you of the hard reality of what we uncovered under al the dusty noise. Colleges/Universities, Media, Corporations, Politicians, Actors, government institutions, that depend on your support who do not have your best interest at heart, and fighting against you. We are comparable to the ACLU however specialize in Freedom and Liberties. The ACLU unfortunately has sold their soul to the Democrat party also. 

    Who is it for?

    This content is for anyone who feels disenfranchised with the establishment Democrat or Republican parties and who have come to the realization that establishment Democrats and Republicans are on the same team. The only difference is now they are publicly saying it, where as before its was not mentioned to the public.

    Why does it exist?

    Millions of people have had it with media, corporations, agencies and politicians that claim to represent their best interest and constantly let them down time and time again as if there was no record of their performance, therefor their actions. There is also the quiet fact that the State department would like to take the civilian control over the elections away, so they can control elections. Most people are unaware of the enormous efforts to undermine the constitution that are happening on a daily basis with urgency.

    It's Not About Agreeing on Everything, but

    Agreeing on the Constitution. Your Only Protection from Tyranny

    The USA is the Greatest Experiment, but Needs to work for the People once again

    Ever since we heard that stark warning from President Eisenhower, warning the American people about nefarious influences. That prediction has come to fruition in the most authoritarian way possible using false flag crises designed to be extremely deceptive. Praying on our families, sensibilities, psyche, and goodwill. Should this be considered treason at the highest magnitude?

    Provide Email and Get the Constitution!


    "Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. "

    4.8 stars from over 60 Million Patriots around the world

    Without Freedom You have Nothing!

    "We had no idea how deep the swamp really is!!"

    Our freedom is being stolen from us and many people still do not even realize it. The lack of neutral investigative journalism meant as a check and balance against abuse of power no longer exists. Corporations have bought their way, through lobbying completely into politics and now collaborate with government. When the government goes in through a backdoor, what it can't do through the front door - this is a clear intent at thwarting democracy. And to rub salt in a wound they are told to use the word democracy on a daily basis, because the more we here it the more some believe.
    The largest political realignment in history is happening where actual liberals, independents and America First Republicans are joining forces. Basically anyone who believes in the constitution, and putting aside our differences to save the Republic. A push to a full on security state is underway at an aggressive rate. The establishment that has been deceiving us for a very long time has lifted the vail and now they are trying at all costs to the citizens of this country to hold on to power against the will of the people. Fascism is when government colludes with large companies, and this has been going on for a while, and people are now waking up to this scary realization. There is no more time top wait and we all need to come together to restore our constitutional rights or suffer the consequences that are imminent.
    As we peel back years and years of layers of the federal government we are seeing a disturbing patterns of betrayal that is beyond anything any of us could have ever imagined. The pain and suffering we all have endured to make the establishment more powerful, so then they may rule us like any authoritarian dictator on a global scale so it cannot be stopped. And had a veneer of freedom to further deceive us. When whistle blowers from the intel communities tell us, "everything is fake" and manufactured to control our perceptions of reality. That should shake us all to our core and this realization has changed all of our world views politics forever across the globe. People from countries all over this great world are waking up together to try to right the wrongs. As the Democrat controlled US Federal government erodes our civil liberties aggressively that allow US citizens to protect themselves against their tyranny.
    Tracking who benefits from the current policies will bring you to the truth that you will not like, but as they say better late than never. The fact that foreign policy now controls domestic policy and that people you thought were on your side and continue to support loyally are the problem. Join us on this journey and help support this cause that is the most important cause in our history and lets make government serve the people once again.

    What is an America First or New Republican?

    A nationalist populist or Trump Republican in many ways is Independent from any previous traditional Republican platform. And many would argue are the new liberals. Centered around choosing policies that make common sense for the situation at hand and not bound to group think. It could also be considered Libertarian since it was evolved from the notion that large government is the problem and less of it would naturally result in less bureaucracy , corruption and government over reach. Perhaps leaving many government type services to the free market which will determine which businesses would be successful, and which would fail from poor management. So essentially nationalist populism is free from groupthink of the Democrat and Republican establishments have all colluded above the optics shown to the people on foreign policy, which has always made peace loving Republicans very unhappy and eventually fueled the rise of Trump. This new alignment takes positions that are found in both parties traditionally diverting us from the unhealthy practice of group think and aligns us on fundamental constitutional values. This includes being socially liberal with open arms to anyone who wants a better life for our families and believe that there is a higher power that guides these principles for good.

    The concept of improving on this United States experiment that has been infiltrated and needs to be corrected can be achieved if we all come together and sing from the same song sheet. When we let the establishment control every aspect of our lives there sole interest is division and using false flag operations to change policy under the guise of safety and security.

    Putting the American people back in the drivers seat of policy, where the elected officials truly represent the people who elected them and cannot become wealthy in office, because lobbying is bribery and should be illegal. Could you imagine a country where the American people who control their elected officials actions because of a true representation, and giving us a quality of life that truly lifts all of us to financial freedom and where businesses that serve us and hold our values thrive and those that hurt our civil liberties and other values fail. Could you imagine a stock market that gives everyone the same opportunities as large hedge funds that currently spend hundreds of millions of dollars lobbying for favors. Could you imagine a small federal government that exists as it did from 1776, whose job it was to secure our borders and protect the countries sovereignty, not everything but that. The federal government serves for the most part only federal employees and local government serves it's people. Why do we even have a colossal federal government? I think we know why.

    Join our cause and lets restore freedom and liberties together and change our quality of life!

    Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

    - Stephen King

    America is changing before our very eyes

    Don't Let it Go

    Join us in protecting our sovereignty


    New Republican Movement Democrats, Republicans Independents, & Libertarian's

    $34.7 T

    Biden Administration Debt


    Biden Executive Orders

    We Will Fight for Your Freedom that is Being Ripped Away Against Your Will

    Single or Monthly Donations

    Your donations will help with public awareness, education, tools, Legislative relationships, constitutional attorneys, a podium to speak from to let those representatives whom you got elected hear your concerns immediately and address them. Help preserve the integrity of our elections while keeping foreign influences away from our interests as American citizens. And striving to create a more effective government for all of us.

    © 2020 FAL-U.org, All Rights Reserved.